Rushing Enterprises works directly with our customers...
...and the State Transportation Associations we are members of, to provide cosistent support and training for the critical aspects required to maintain a clean fleet.
Our goal is to provide the level of training that actually makes a difference in the manner by which our equipment and cleaning products are used.
Rushing Enterprises Technical Directors have worked diligently through the years to better understand Trucking Equipment related soils, the best types of soil removal techniques, and we have developed cleaning products to address every Trucking specific soil in its entirety.
Please click on the download button to view our Cleaning Advocate presentation which will help you understand how we get our customers equipment CLEAN……EVERY TIME!

...is a national leader in the design, fabrication, manufacturing and installation of fleet truck wash cleaning systems and cleaning products.
Our cleaning machines provide decades of uninterrupted use and longevity. Our cleaning products lead our Industry in every respect providing unmatched cleaning performance.
We service what we sell and provide a level of customer response that is second to none. We don’t just say we place customers first, we actually place our Customers’ First!